Trip Report: Argyle Lake State Park

We had such beautiful weather for our first homeschoolers’ camping trip of the season! Lots of sunshine was great for playing, and cool nights were great for sleeping. For this trip, we made a 2-hour-plus drive west past Macomb to Argyle Lake State Park. Several terrific sites were reserved for us on a tiny loop.
Six families camped including 11 adults and 19 kids. Joseph was our newest and smallest camper at 7 months old. There were kids of all ages—even a homeschool graduate and an almost-graduate.

On Friday evening, the Duffers provided the main event—the assembling of their Mongolian ger (rhymes with hair) tent/shelter. Lots of hands were needed for helping, and it was a great spectator sport as well.

Berni brought a nature scavenger hunt for the kids, so many of them set to work on that right after breakfast Saturday morning. She even brought prizes! The Heddings also brought a canoe which some of the older kids enjoyed.

Our little loop drive was a perfect track for kids on scooters. They came up with several different scooter games: scooter tag, scooter Cops & Robbers, and even scooter soccer.

Usually there was some sort of game going on. Friday night Capture the Flag attracted a lot of players. The Frisbees were thrown around quite a bit, and there was bocce ball. Dave even brought a light-up bocce ball set to play after sundown.

We had the usual campfires, s’mores, Saturday evening potluck, and Sunday morning church in the shade of a large tree. Andrew led our singing time and Dave brought our devotion.

We had a really fun time enjoying the beauty of God’s creation and the fellowship of friends new and old.

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