Trip Report: Moraine View State Park

Our group of six families camped together at Moraine View over Labor Day weekend. Altogether we had 15 kids, ranging in age from 10 months to 18 years. The Bender family joined us for the first time. They brought with them a badmitten set that proved very popular with the kids.

A few of the kids went exploring in the nearby woods and found a number of interesting bones from a deer skeleton. Scootering was a popular activity as usual. Some of us spent time on the water in canoes or rowboats. However, we can't claim much fishing success over the weekend. Only Mr. Johnson was able to catch a nice sized bass. Since it was warm, a couple of families went swimming at the beach.

The days were bright, sunny, and almost hot (the shade and nice breeze making it pleasant). The nights were cool and crisp. They were perfect for sitting around the warm campfire and crawling into a warm sleeping bag.

On Sunday morning, Andrew led our singing time for worship, and Mr. Schmidgall brought a devotional message about God's wisdom. Mr. Hedding set up his flavored coffee bar so that we would all feel like we were really at church that morning. Also, on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hedding celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary. Congratulations!!

Several of the kids came home with little scrapes and bumps, but Joel gets the award for bringing home a case of the chiggers. We're hoping you feel better soon, Joel!

As always, we enjoyed a relaxing time of fellowship together.